Find your dream home - 250-862-0750



March 26, 2020

What a crazy, historic time we’re currently living in.  I hope you are all well and safe.

With everything that’s happening I’ve had a lot of people asking me if I’m still working or not.    

For the most part, it had been business as usual-ish. The “ish” being that I’m certainly approaching my daily interactions with more thought and care.   I’m diligent and adhere to the recommended precautions and distance between each other and of course lots of washing hands and sanitizing for everything and everyone.

As things have evolved and the necessity of following recommended guidelines for self-isolating, our industry is adapting the best we can.

For some Buyers and Sellers life can’t be put on hold entirely, especially since we don’t know how long “waiting it out” will be.

For now;

Face to face meetings only when necessary.

I keep the recommended distance between myself and others when we do meet in person.

I can view a home on my own and Face Time or Skype with Buyers to give a true sense of the space.

We use Covid questionnaires for anyone wanting to view a home

We have Showing Requirements before meeting or showing homes

We live in a remote world so easy to do paperwork with digital signatures and real time conversations by phone.

Sadly, no hugs, high fives, or handshakes when we get houses sold or bought. You’ll have to take a rain check for those.

For now, it’s more or less business as usual’ish so if you need anything, I’m  here.

Stay well!