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January 20, 2014

Property Type:
25.4% of purchases were by Move-Up Buyers  (up from 24.2% in November) *
20.1% by First Time Buyers  (up from 18.2%) *
11.9% moving from Single Family Home to Strata Unit  (down from 12.6%)
8.2% buying Revenue/Investment Property  (up from 7.6%) *
7.5% buying Recreation Property  (down from 8.1%)
5.2% moving from Strata property to Single Family Home  (up from 3.5%) *
4.5% moving into Retirement Home/Seniors Community  (down from 6.1%)

* During the month of December, there was an increase in purchases by Move-up and First-time buyers, revenue property purchasers, and those moving to single family homes from strata communities.

Buyer Type (Family Dynamic):
31.3% Two Parent Family/Children (up from 22.3%) **
28.4% Couple without Children (up from 26.7% in November)**
16.4% Empty Nester/Retired (down from 21.8%)
11.9% Single Female (down from 12.1%)
9.7% Single Male (down from 13.6%)
3.0% Single Parent with Children (up from 1.5%) **

** There were more purchases by couples without children, two parent families and single parents with children in December compared to the previous month.

Moving From:
66.2% from Within OMREB Board Area  (up from 55.6% in November) ***
14.0% from Alberta (down from 16.9%)
6.6% from Lower Mainland/Vancouver Island  (down from 9.2%)
5.1% from Other Areas in BC  (down from 7.7%)
2.9% from Eastern Canada/Maritimes (down from 3.9%)
2.9% from Outside Canada  (same as November)
2.2% from Saskatchewan/Manitoba (down from 3.9%)
0% from NWT/Yukon (same as November)

*** Compared to November, more buyers moved from within the Board area, and purchasers from other areas declined in December.